Monday, October 14, 2019

Just share

Hello everybody. This was an interesting week. Most of it was really great but some of it was just straight trash. Kind of the way it goes sometimes. 

Monday was Monday, pretty much got a whole pday I think, can't even remember. Oh yessssss we went to dojo boom. That was hype. Then Tuesday we were on exchanges. This time with Elder Laine Carter, he's one of my favourite people in the mission right now. He was in my zone back in TO so we've known each other for a while now. We had a stellar day! Everything worked out so good and it was just good. We met this one man feeding ducks with his baby girl. He has just lost his job earlier that previous week and was down a bit. We walked him through God's perfect plan and he started tearing up. He was so touched that just when he needed someone to help him, we walked by. No matter what is happening in people's lives they could use the gospel. I don't care if they just bought a LC 500 or if they just won the lottery. Everyone needs this. They each have a need for it. It can be extra hard for missionaries to discern what they need at times because they slam the door too fast for us to say hello but, you know them, you know their situation, all you have to do is share. Elder Uchrdorf shared great insight in GC. What a blessed day.

Then Wednesday a bird pooped directly on my head. I kid you not I felt a thump, looked around to see where the thing that hit my head fell, couldn't see anything so I ran my fingers through my hair (big mistake) and pulled them out with brown wet poop. Straight up got pooped on. What a joke. We laughed about it but out of 103 weeks nothing even close to that has happened and then the bomb dropped. Pretty gross. We panicked and then washed it out. But it really did happen. Not sure what kind of bird but I'd imagine a seagull. 

Thursday was our last exchange of the transfer. It was with the SIMI Valley Elders. I went off with Elder Roth, it was the windiest I've ever had it in my mission. My eyes got destroyed. Whenever the Santa Ana winds come you know there will be a fire. Well next thing we new Simi Valley missionaries were evacuated and there was another fire in the TO zone. Weird. Anyway it was crazy windy but still good. We rested at dinner where we went to the Cheesecake Factory. Oh my goodness it was delicious. And our server was a guy who had been taking lessons from the YSA sisters so we reignited his flame to learn. Pretty neat. 

Friday was district council and the start of transfers. Saturday was transfers, and then Sunday. 

The part of the week that was bad was Sunday for some reason. I was just all chapped cause I'm leaving in a week. I felt like I still have so many things I want to do with the ward to keep it going but if I start I won't finish and transfer week is always messed up and on and on. It was kinda overwhelming actually. But then we just started setting up appointments and everything settled down and I realized again that it's going it be fine. We are supposed to leave the area in good shape anyways. So that was good. 

Then this morning we went and toured P & G  factory site. Bro Spiers is the facility manager so he took us. We saw your fav Charmin Ultra strong and Charmin ultra soft toilet paper made. As well as your Bounty paper towel. They make 2 tons of it every 12-15 minutes 24/7. Literally 365 days a year. Isn't that crazy???!! They got made in these massive 1 ton rolls, which are then combined with another set to make it 2 ply. Then it's all cut and rolled into logs and then cut into rolls and then packaged and delivered. Pretty neat. So that was fun. 

Pretty weak letters I know but cut me some slack. It's been a fat minute of writing every single week. 

Love yah. Enjoy your week.

3301 W Gonzales Rd, 
Oxnard CA  93036

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