Monday, September 9, 2019

Oh. I get it. It's not even us.

Good morning, or afternoon. Whenever you get to read this letter. 

This week... Well this week was just wonderful. Pretty amazing things in the Great California Ventura Mission right now. Tuesday we had MLC and we set our monthly baptism and Confirmation goal. Just a reminder of how this works here; the zone leaders meet with each companionship in the zone and create a vision, set a goal and make a plan to achieve the goal. By the end of the process this allows us to have an 80% attainable goal (or it should be). So let's put things in perspective. July we had 30 people baptized and confirmed. An ultimate record in the last 5 years for this mission. Before that 25 was a really good month. So we average as a mission 22-25 a month. Well in August the banana hit the fan. Things fell apart and we had 12 people baptized and confirmed. Not to worry. We saw this during the last week of July and began to fix it. We counseled in our weekly zoom meeting with the ZL's and then MLC on Tuesday blew us away. The mission has been primed. August, in my opinion, was a chance for us to test our faith. July we showed our faith and had miracles fall from Heavenly Father, and then August was to make sure we recognized God in this work. So September's Baptism goal is 43! Week ending we have seen 12 people enter into the waters. And no other people have fallen off of their dates. Only people added. We had a good experience during transfers. You see we have 20 new missionaries coming in, and we've had a huge turn over in missionaries during the summer as you could imagine. So with this, a whole lot of new missionaries are in the mission. But during transfers President Nakken looked at all the missionaries and just said, "Such wonderful missionaries, we love them all and the work goes on. When this is all done and over with I think we will look back and realize this was really just to save our own soul. God does everything else."

Well that was not as accurate as it really came out but the point is is that this is His work. All of His children will get the chance to hear the gospel whether I do it or Ricky Baker does it. God is going to get it done. But the important part really is that we do our very best, because that is how we save our own soul. I've always known this but I had a spiritual witness that day. This is a probationary state and it's our time to prepare to meet God. Our best is all he asks. 

Getting a new car for the last transfer of the mish. It's the Nakken's old car:) 2017 Avalon hybrid. It's the only car in the mission with real wheels😂 not just steel, not to mention the leather heated seats. Pretty neat but we will lose the taco:/

Love you people 

Elder P

3301 W Gonzales Rd, 
Oxnard CA  93036

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